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Monday, June 30, 2014

The Dance

I have been meditating on a passage (Romans 8) this year. There is a part in there that talks about how sometimes we don't even know how to pray, but then the Spirit intercedes and prays for us with groanings too deep for words. 

Lately, I've felt that way. Been laid flat so low that I don't even know the words to pray. Then I remembered my oldest friend telling me an idea for an art project about the dance between an individual and the Spirit. So this is my response to her idea and a picture of what I am currently experiencing in my life.

Thanks, San.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Message in Flowers

Iris- message
Tulip- declaration of love
Yarrow- cure for a broken heart
Purple hyacinth- "Please forgive me."
Zinnia- "I mourn your absence."
Carnation- "My heart breaks."
Helenium- tears

Thursday, June 5, 2014

A Message: Purple Hyacinth

The text, from a book I read this week:

"It is only up in the High Places of love
That anyone can receive power to pour themselves down
In an utter abandonment of self giving." (Hannah Hurnard)

Seeking the High Places...

Purple hyacinth= "please forgive me."